Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Wow, sorry this is so late! Life has been crazy around my house these days. But I want to wish all of you a Happy Mothers Day! I hope you all got spoiled rotten:) It is the hardest job in the world but also the most rewarding!

Also, I am attempting a "healthy living plan." No, not a diet! I hate that word. I really want to be a healthier person. I eat out WAY too much, snack a lot, and I have a MAJOR sweet tooth. I have always been a firm believer in exersizing and have pretty much stuck to a routine since Kaylee was born. But I want to change my eating habits. Especially since being home most of the time I have notices it is SO much more tempting to snack all day long. Before when I was busy at work and school I really didn't have time to snack. I barely had time to eat! So, I have a question for all of you......what are some healthy snacks for me? What do you all think of 100 cal packs? I have never tried them. And what about those Quaker Rice Cakes? Are they any good? I just hate spending money on snacks I either won't like, or make snacking habits worse.

1 comment:

Smitty n' Chelle said...

wow, that is always a hard one. It is harder to eat healthy. My kids do loike the rice cakes so I give thos eo thtem and they are pretty good. Just as long as you get a good flavor, not the plain ones. As for the 100 cal packs, not sure. I think they pribablly use the fake sweetners or there is not much in them so you end up eating more than one pack cause you are still hungry. I say as try to snakc and fruits and veggies. Especially in the summer when they are cheaper and in seaspn and they are a nice cold treat. they say that what triggers your brain into thinking you are full is weight so if you eat light weight things like chips you could eat a whole bag but fruits and veggies are heavy so you should feel fuller faster. Also eat slower and use smaller dishes to trick the brain into thinking you are eating more than you are. It does work. anyway good luck!! It is hard to be a mom and eat healthy. snacking though is a good thing as long as you eat smaller meals. it keeps your matabalism working instead of just 3 biog meals a day. snack on raisin, nuts too. anyway wow that was along comment. good luck!

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