Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gender Prediction Test??

I saw this gender prediction test at Walgreens a couple weeks ago. I have been reading up on it, and people are saying that it's 94% accurate!! It's pretty expensive though- $35. (At least I think it is. lol) Do you think it works? Should I give it a try?? They say you can find out as early as 6 weeks pregnant!! I might give it a shot just in case:) Would you do it!??


Amanda said...

I wouldn't. Only because I'd be skeptical of the results and wouldn't dare believe them, and I'd spend weeks worrying about whether it was right or wrong until we had an ultrasound to verify.

Smitty n' Chelle said...

I have a free way too find out and it has yet to be wrong and I am pregnancy #5. What you do it get a hair from your head, string in through your weddign ring. Then hold it slightly above the inside of your wrist. It will start moving. It starts with your first child and goes down through the line of all your kids. If it spins in circles it is a girl, back and forth is a boy. It will stop in between each child and go to as many kids as you are having. Mine says circle (girl),stops then B&F(boy), stops then circle(girl #2) then stops, b&f (boy #2) and last B7f again for this one which is baby #5 then stops and does not move anymore. just know that it will move for a while and you must wait for it stop and then start again for a new pregnancy. good luck abnd let us know what is says. I have done it to all my friends and so far all right!!

Smitty n' Chelle said...

ps it only works on women, not men!

Unknown said...

Wow, I am not sure if I would believe it or not. But it would still be FUN to try! I love doing stuff like that. I never did the wedding ring thing, but I think I will try it next time around. Congrats Rachelle:)

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