Saturday, August 29, 2009

Discipline and Tantrums

My daughter is starting into throwing tantrums. If she doesn't get her way, and just over other random things. She is 16 months old. My question is, what is your approach to discipline? I am not sure what would be appropriate for her age or within the next couple of months. I have overheard some Mom's say they started "time out" at 18 months. Basically my approach has been to ignore her or not talk to her until she calms down. That seemed to work for a little while, but she has now started hitting to get my attention when I ignore her. She will also throw things and lay on the ground and scream until I pay attention to her. Basically, I just want to know what worked for you. PLEASE leave comments! As I really need some help with this issue! Thanks everyone:)


Mike said...

MAN ON THE FLOOR! MAN ON THE FLOOR! Haha We started the time-outs around that age for all 3 of ours.According to all that we read and heard it should be 1 min in time out per year of age. We are not up to 20 min time outs and my oldest is only 6! LOL It hasnt worked yet but we are consistent with it! Good luck

Amanda said...

Gaius (14 months) is into tantrums a bit too. Mostly, though, he's into doing things he knows are "no's", but I'm not sure he understands what "no" means. So when he insists on doing it over and over again, we've started time outs. My doctor recommended walking him to the corner and walking away, but he doesn't mind that at all. Thinks it's a game. So now I put him in the corner and I stand behind him, blocking him in. He HATES it. I only keep him there for 15-20 seconds, but eventually we'll move up to a minute (one minute per year old). I usually have to repeat time out 3-4 times b/c he still insists on doing whatever is naughty. So, who knows if it's actually working.

If I can get myself calmed down and happy enough to redirect his attention, that is the most effective.

We tried hitting his hands, or flicking his cheek. At first that really offended him, but now he doesn't care at all. And since I don't think we should try hitting him harder, we've given that up.

Good luck! And to think, some day our kids will be 2, and then 3... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

I put Charlie in time out a lot. lol. But it does help. And he is beginning to understand that time out is not fun, so he usually calms down before I have to do anything.

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