Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sick kid. Help!

My year old son has been sick since Saturday. He has had diarrhea for 5 days now. He was throwing up Sunday and stopped and then started again today. We went to the doc for his year old appointment. The doc felt that he was well enough to give him all the year old shots. He got 5 total. We've been keeping up on the Tylenol to help with the fever. Giving him showers to help. He won't really eat or drink anything. He is so miserable. The doc said he isn't too worried about his sickness. But his first time mommy is. Any ideas on consoling my baby? Helping him eat something and keep it down?


Smitty n' Chelle said...

have you tried the BRAT diet? The BRAT diet is a traditional diet for children with upset tummies, nausea and vomiting, or diarrhea. Adults can use it, too.

B Bananas
R Rice
A Apple Sauce
T Toast

These are all foods that most kids like. The simple flavors are less likely to trigger nausea than more complex foods. There are no spices or strong acids to irritate an upset stomach. The BRAT foods are thought to act as "binders," meaning they're a little bit constipating. This can be a good thing when a child (or an adult) has diarrhea.

Add this to a lot of hugs and kisses and I am sure he will get feeling better.

The Thomas Clan said...

my kids love popsicles and cups of crushed ice. These keep them hydrated and they're fun to eat. Good luck! I hate it when my kids are sick!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry your son is sick. I can stand it when my son is sick! It sounds like you are doing everything you can. That BRAT is a good idea also try crackers. The club cracker sticks are my sons favorite.

Anonymous said...

I know that when my kids have had diarrhea for a long time my doc suggests that you take away milk products out of their diet, until the diarrhea stops. I really see a difference after that!!

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