Monday, January 5, 2009


My daughter is almost 9 months old and still has no teeth. She has been waking up at night lately and she seems to be in pain because her bottle doesn't help. I feel bad giving her Tylenol or Motrin every night. And sometimes I wonder if it really is her teeth bothering her since this has been going on for almost 2 months and still no sign of a tooth. Does anyone have any tips on teething? Or know the signs of teething? I am just in need of some sleep and if its not her teeth then I would want to try letting her cry it out. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!


Smitty n' Chelle said...

If she is teething she will be drooling like crazy! Sometimes it does take months it seems that it takes for them to come in but if they are realy ready to come in they will look red or even swollen. When they are teething they love to chew on things. My kids always like spoons for some reason over the teething ring. I would stop with the tylenol after a week and if the other syptoms aren't there it might just be a fase. I know I was reading the other day that if they are learning to crawl that when it come bed time they won't sleep very well until after they are walkign because they are thinking so much about the new concept and how ot master it. If she is just learning to crawl that could be it. Also cold things are great on their gums. Instead of tylenol try the baby oragel which numbs the gums so that she is not taking to much tylenol. Hope this helps. it is all about trial and error with kids since they are all so different!

Anonymous said... try these they worked for Kyler you can buy them at any store I think.

WEmily said...

Yeah, we used some teething tablets that you can get in pretty much any store. We got some at Wal-mart and grocery stores.

Also, part of it could be if she's not in the same place every night. Whenever we leave and she has to sleep somewhere new, it takes a few days before she'll sleep through the night again.

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